Saturday, July 17, 2010

Benefit Of Banana

Benefit Of Banana

Banana (Musa paradisiaca, Linn.) Originated from Asia and spread in Spain, Italy, Indonesia, America and other parts of the world.

This plant loves the outdoor area sufficient sunlight, suitable to grow in lowland until height of 1000 meters above sea level.

Basically, this plant is a plant that does not have a true stem. Trunk formed from the development and growth surrounding the midrib midrib long soft shaft. The actual stem weevil found in hidden in the ground

Utilization of this fruit, among others, as follows:

Stomach Cancer

Tunas / child trees shredded and taken as many as four glasses of water, then boiled together with tea to boiling until the parasite lives second glass. 2 times a day drink a glass, morning and afternoon and carried out regularly.


Eat lots of fruits fully ripe banana gold

Large Intestine Bleeding

Tunas grated and squeezed to the capture of two glasses of water is then boiled together with the weevil parasite tea to boiling until there remained a glass. Filtered and drunk two times a day 1 cup.

Family Planning

Pisang Ambon flowers boiled with water until boiling. Drink water two times a day, morning and before bed. Conducted over seven consecutive days after menstruation or childbirth.


Bananas that are still raw grated kluthuk to take water. Then mixed with fennel and a cutting sufficiently pulasari brown sugar and stir until evenly distributed. Filtered and drunk.

Sprue Intestine

Kluthuk skin and raw fruit sliced thin, then finely ground, squeezed up out of the water and diembun-embunkan overnight outside the home. Drink after waking up sleep / early morning.

Uterus Bleeding

Shoots shredded and taken as many as two glasses of water is then boiled together with tea to the boil weevil parasite to live a glass. Filtered and taken one time a day 1 / 2 cups.

Vagina close up and Preventing Hemorrhage

Banana trees are not flowering stones taken beheaded for clean water. Used to wash Vagina after giving birth.

Preventing Bleeding After Childbirth

Shredded tree trunk to take the water. Filtered and drunk two times a day half a glass.


Grated kluthuk stem weevil to take the water, then mixed with fennel pulosari until evenly distributed. Filtered and drunk.

Ear Swelling

Kustruk baked banana skin and in warm-pressed to take the water was warm. Smeared on the ear swelling.

Throat Swelling

Banana weevil sour grated and squeezed to take water. Used for mouthwash.


Corm kluthuk grated to take water as much as half a glass. Drunk 3 days

Diarrhea (adults)

Bananas quicklime, burnt and eaten


Stem weevil grated and squeezed to take the water, then drink.

Diarrhoea (Babies)

Banana kapok (kepok) sliced raw and fried without oil, eaten by mothers who are breast-feeding a baby.

According to research, this fruit contains content include:

- Vitamins A, B1, C

- Fat

- Minerals (Potassium, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus)

- Carbohydrate

- Dextrose

- Water

- Sucrose

- Levulose

- Egg White Substance

- Substance Flour
source : anneahira

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