Saturday, July 17, 2010

Benefit of Hair Fruit / rambutan

Benefit of Hair Fruit / rambutan
Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) is widely planted as a fruit tree, is sometimes found growing wild. These tropical plants need a humid climate with annual rainfall of at least 2000 mm.

He is a lowland plant, to a height of 300-600 m above sea level. 15-25 m tall tree with many branches it has. Leaves compound pinnate, alternate location, with young leaves of 2-4 pairs.

Child leaf blade rounded oval, length 7.5 to 20 cm, width 3.5 to 8, 5 cm, the tip and base of the sharp, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, cylindrical stalk, it's green, often dry.

Rambutan flowers are arranged in bunches at the end of twigs, fragrant, small, light green color. Male flowers and female flowers grow separately in a single tree. Round-oval fruit shape, length 4-5 cm, with the crooked thorn stick, limp until stiff. The fruit skin is green, and yellow or red when ripe. Fruit wall thickness.

Seeds elliptical, wrapped in transparent white pulp which can be eaten and contain a lot of water, taste varies from sour to sweet. Woody seed coat thin. This tree is flowering at the end of the dry season and formed fruit during the rainy season, around November to February. There are many types of rambutan, like ropiah, simacan, Sinyonya, lebakbulus, and binjei. Propagated by seed, patches of shoots, or grafted. Parts of plants that can be used is the fruit peel, bark, leaves, seeds, and roots.

Here are examples of the use of rambutan:


Wash the skin of rambutan fruit (10 pieces), cut into pieces as needed. Add three glasses of clean drinking water, then boiled until the water remaining half. After, the cold, strain and drink twice a day, each three-fourths cup.


Wash skin that has dried rambutan fruit (15 g). Add three cups water, then boil until boiling for 15 minutes. Once cool, strain and drink three times a day, each third section.

Discolor gray hair

Wash rambutan leaf sufficiently, then mashed until smooth. Add a little water while stirring evenly until it becomes dough like mush. Squeeze and strain it with a cloth. Use the collected water to moisten the scalp hair. Do it every day until you see the results.


Gongseng rambutan seeds (five seeds), then ground up into powder. Pour boiling water with one cup hot water. After chilling, drinking water well. Do it 1-2 times a day.


Wash the skin of rambutan wood (three knuckles), then boiled in two cups of water until the remaining one glasses. Use to rinse the mouth while warm.

Fruits contain carbohydrates, protein, fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium, and vitamin C. Rind contains tannins and saponins. Seeds contain fat and polyphenols. Leaves contain tannin and saponin. Bark contains tannins, saponins, flavonoida, pectic substances, and iron.
source : anneahira

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