Monday, July 19, 2010

treatment of pregnant women

treatment of pregnant women
Massage in pregnant women is very useful to help give the effect of relaxation to the body and the baby, during the treatment was done properly and accurately, and handled by a qualified professional.
Massage during pregnancy serves to:

1. Avoid the occurrence of cramps in legs
2. Help balance the hormones that reduce the emotional stress caused by the
influence of pregnancy.
3. Launched a system of maternal metabolism that affect fetal development.
4. Helps relaxation of both the mother and fetus in the womb.
5. Help expedite the circulation of nutrients needed by the fetus in the womb.
6. Improve maternal immunity and the fetus.

Stages of treatment:
- Massage your side
- Starting from the feet upward, unless the area is not in the stomach and breast
- Totok face
- Scrub that are not succulent dried to prevent colds.
- Use oil that contains no aroma therapy, to avoid contraction.
source : solusi sehat massage

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