Monday, July 19, 2010

Threatment for babies

Threatment for babies

Did you know that massage helps babies grow and develop in addition to physical and emotional baby, can also be memperat relationship between mother and baby ...

Massage requires one form of touch therapy that serves as one of the important treatment technique. Even according to modern research, baby massage regularly will help the physical and emotional growth and development of infants, in addition to maintaining his health. What is certain baby massage benefit not only felt by the small, but so does the mother. Want to know more?

According to one study, mothers who massage their babies will produce more milk. And most of them will experience water infiltration in breast milk when not breastfeeding, so the massage can increase the likelihood of mothers, including working mothers, to be able to provide breast milk to your baby in an optimal fashion.

Helping the mother is more relaxed, more familiar, as well as strengthen the relationship and communication with the child.


Babies who sleep with a massage can generally asleep, and when you wake up, the power of concentration will be increased.

Provide security to your baby, because he sensed the proximity of the inner relationship between mother and himself. This security will be forming a human child who has a private good, tough, independent, loving, and believe in their environment.

Stimulates the blood circulation and increase energy for small wave of fresh oxygen will be more sent to the brain and throughout the body.

1 komentar:

javabis99 said...

very useful post. thanks

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