By: Dr. Handrawan Nadesul, General Practitioners
1. First of course reduce the risk of heart attack. We know that muscle
the heart requires more blood flow profusely (from the coronary arteries
feeding) in order to fit and function normally without the blood pumping
stopping. For that, the heart muscle requires a more rapid blood flow and
current. Strolling rushed into the bloodstream accelerate
coronary heart disease. Thus the adequacy of oxygen the heart muscle is fulfilled
and heart muscle can stay awake for quite a beat.
Not only that. Flexibility of the arteries of the body of trained
furl and expands mengejangnya be helped by the muscles of the body
around the walls of blood vessels while engaged in activities
hie walk it. The end result, blood pressure tended
becomes lower, adhesions can cause blood antarsel
clot blood clot stopper vessels will also be reduced.
Moreover, the good cholesterol (HDL), which works as an absorbent sponge
bad cholesterol (LDL) will increase by walking hurriedly.
Not many ways out of drugs that can increase HDL levels in addition
with moving bodies. Walking is capable of carrying hie
reduce the risk of heart attack to just half of.
2. Despite the benefits of walking for stroke hurry-opoh pangaruhnya
not as real as against coronary heart disease, several studies show
encouraging results. Just look at the natural evidence of our ancestors
doing more walking activities every day, cases of stroke
ancient times not as much now. One study of 70 thousand
nurse (Harvard School of Public Health) are in the works listed
walking activities as much as 20 hours a week, the risk of
decreased by two-thirds of their stroke.
3. Stable weight. It turned out to familiarize walking routine, the rate of
increased metabolism. In addition to a number of calories wasted by
walking activity, the excess calories that might have been going to burn
by increasing the body's metabolism, so weight gain is not
4. Lose weight too. Yes, in addition maintained a stable weight,
those who started being overweight, can be derived by performing
walking activity had stumbled on a regular basis. Excess lard in
under the skin will be burned if diligent enough walking activities
rate of at least one hour.
5. Preventing diabetes. Yes, to get moving on foot
approximately 6 km per hour, travel time approximately 50 minutes, it can delay
or halt the progression of Type 2 diabetes, especially in those who
Obese (National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Gigesive &
As we know that cases of diabetes that can be resolved without the need
take medication, can be done by selecting a bodybuilding routine basis. During
blood sugar can be controlled simply by moving the body (Brisk walking),
unnecessary drugs. That means that walking the same scrambling
beneficial antidiabetic drugs.
6. Preventing osteoporosis. That's right. With body movement and fast walking,
not only the muscles of the body are strengthened, but the bones as well.
For calcium metabolism, is also necessary to move the body, other than need
morning sunlight exposure. Not enough extra calcium and vitamin D alone
to prevent or slow the process of osteoporosis. The body also needs
bodybuilding and it takes at least 15 minutes of sun exposure
am to be free from the threat of osteoporosis.
Those who exercise since his youth, and consume enough calcium,
until the age of 70 years is estimated to be freed from the threat of
bone loss.
7. Relieves arthritic knee. Over a third of the elderly in America
experiencing arthritic knee (osteoarthiris). Familiarize themselves with walking
sooner or choose to walk in the swimming pool, knee arthritis pain
can be eased. For those who suffer from arthritic knee, foot activity
need to be intermittent, not daily. The aim is to give
opportunity to the joints to recover.
One thing to remember for people with arthritic ankles or legs: do not
got the wrong sneakers. We know, with increasing age,
joint space narrow, thin layers of increasingly vulnerable joints, and fluid
joint space was shrinkage. Condition of joints that are like that need to be maintained
and protected so as not to experience a severe shock by the load weight
body, especially on the fat.
When the bearings (sol) less tender sneakers, shoes failed role
as a shock damper (shock absorber). That means that the joints remain
heavy shock loads experienced during running, especially when running or
jump. This is exacerbating the condition of joints, and sparked attacks
joint pain or lead to joint disease in those at risk
joint disorder.
The emergence of joint pain after walking activity, could be
because the wrong type of sports shoes. Determine branded shoes
quality cushions, other anatomical suitability of the foot. Walking habits
foot barefoot, even inside the house though, could exacerbate
conditions of the joints of leg and foot, and shock loads that must be
carried by the joints.
8. It turned out that moving the body with a quick walk also helps patients
with depression status. Strolling hie could replace drug
antidepressants should be taken regularly. Studies of depression tarbebas Happenings
on foot already done more 10 years.
9. Cancer can also arise if we diligently canceled on foot,
at least the type of colon cancer (colorectal carcinoma). We know,
moving body part launched intestinal peristalsis, so that the bowel
more orderly. Colorectal cancer is also triggered by feces for longer retention
in the digestive tract. Other studies also mention the role of walking legs
against possible decreased risk of breast cancer.
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