Sunday, June 20, 2010

Usefulness Jambul Fruit

Fruit plants classified JamblangJamblang fruit originating from tropical Asia and Australis. Ordinary planted in the garden or wild plants, especially in teak forests. Jambul grown in lowland until height of 500 m above sea level.

Tree height is 10-20 m thick trunked, curved and branched many plants. Single leaf, thick petiole 1 to 3.5 cm. wedge-shaped leaf blade width, but average, pertulangan pinnate, upper surface glossy, 7-16 cm long, -9 cm wide, it's green. Panicle shape with compound interest falling branches, flowers sat, grew up in the armpit and at the end of branching leaves, petals light green bell shape, crown shape ovate, stamens many, white, and smells wonderful. Fruit fruit buni, oval, 2-3 cm long, the fruit is still green, red and white color after cooking. Helter rooted, branching - branches, light brown.

Jambul fruit is ripe is usually eaten fresh. It's a bit sour Snakeskin Gourami, bark can be used as colorant.

The nature and properties Jambul Fruit
Fruit flesh taste sweet and sour, its cool, astrigen strong, aromatic smell. Berkasiat grease pulmonary organs, stopping cough, peluruh urine (diuretic), flatus peluruh (carmintive), improve digestive disorders, stimulates the release of saliva, and lowering blood glucose level (hypoglycemic). Bark peluruh berkasiat for menstruation.

Chemical content
Jambul contain essential oils, phenols (methylxanthoxylin), alkaloids (jambosine), organic acids, triterpenoid, dark red resin that contains acid and tannin elagat.

Used Parts
Tanama parts that can be used as medicine are the bark, fruit flesh and seeds. Fruit flesh can be used fresh or dried. If the flesh of the fruit eaten, will cause the oral cavity and tongue purple.

Fruit flesh used for treatment:

* Diabetes (diabetes mellitus),
* Chronic cough, shortness of breath (asthma),
* Whooping cough, cough in pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by chest pain,
* Stomach pain and diarrhea.

Seeds are used for treatment:

* Diabetes (diabetes mellitus),
* Diarrhea, dysentery,
* Digestive disorders like bloating, pain lambug, abdominal cramps,
* Strychnine poisoning (which no specific antidote), and
* Enlarged spleen.

Bark is used for treatment:

* Diabetes (mellitus diabeter)
* Diarrhea
* Sprue

How to Use
To taste the fruit flesh can be eaten as table fruit.

Side Effects

* The results showed seeds, leaves and bark properties Jambul has lowered blood glucose levels (hypoglycemic effect) in patients with type II diabetes mellitus.
* Research in India gets the result that Jambul fruit as a potential male contraceptive drug on
* In animal experiments, Jambul arise could prevent cataracts caused by diabetes.
* Jambul also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis up to 60-90% in diabetics. This occurs because the content of oleanolic acid on Jambul can suppress the role of free radicals in the formation of atherosclerosis.

Example Usage

* Chronic cough, asthma
- Wash fresh fruits Jambul (15 g) to clean, fruit seeds, then eat. Do it three times a day
- Provide Jambul fruit dried (15G). enter into mengkuk, add water until all the fruit submerged, then the team until cooked. After a cold, drink water and eat fruit as well. Do it three times a day.

* Cough Rejang
Prepare dried fruit Jambul (15G), gall hen (1 fruit), and granulated sugar to taste. Enter into the water until all the parts submerged, then the team until cooked. Drinking water and eating the contents. Do it once a day until healed.

* Cough on Pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by chest pain
Prepare a fresh Jambul fruit (30g, if used as much as 15G use dried fruit) and fresh leaves of Blumea (Blumea balsamifera) (25 g). Wash all the ingredients, then cut into pieces as necessary Blumea leaf. Enter into a bowl, add sugar (15G) and water sufficiently until all material is immersed. The team until cooked. After chilling, drinking water. Eat the fruit, but the seeds are removed. Every night before bed

* Diarrhea in children
Prepare a fresh Jambul fruit is immature and rice that has been roasted until golden (6g each). enter into a bowl, add enough water until the ingredients are submerged. The team until cooked. After chilling, eating well. Do it three times a day.

* Stomach pain
Jambul Gongseng dried fruit without seeds (30g) until aromatic. Enter into a bowl, add enough water until the ingredients are submerged, then the team until cooked. After chilling, eating entirely. Do it three times in one accord, as long as 10 days.

* Sprue
Boil the bark or leaves to taste. Once cool, use it to rinse out his mouth. Do it 3-4 times a day

source : Ensiklopedi Tanaman Obat Indonesia

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