Sunday, June 20, 2010

10 Types of Anti-Cholesterol Food

To control high cholesterol in order not to actually be with nutritional therapy methods, which consume a lot of food antikolesterol found in everyday life. You can replace bad fats with healthy fats.

Eating plant foods may increase intake of vegetable protein is efficacious lowering cholesterol excess.

Want to know what foods are antikolesterol? Check out the tips below are taken from various sources.

1. Mushrooms.
Rich in chromium, the mineral that helps break down fats into simpler compounds, ie fatty acids. This activity helps shrink the fat content (LDL) and raise levels of good fats (HDL). Another source of chromium is nuts, like walnuts, peanuts, cashews, and almonds.
2. Fresh Kwaci.
So far we sepelekan watermelon seeds, and abundant copper substances. Diets low in copper intake is associated with higher LDL cholesterol levels, and lack of good HDL cholesterol. Kwaci eat frequently, especially the fresh, good watermelon seeds and pumpkin seeds sunflower seeds.
3. Lime.
Among the various types of citrus, lime or lemon is the most contain flavonoids. This compound could inhibit the excessive LDL produkdi thus reducing the risk of heart attack. Flavonoids can also be obtained in tea, broccoli, tomatoes, soybeans, onions layered like onions and onions and pomegranates.
4. Apple.
A lot of soluble fiber found in apples is a source betaglukan (glucan beta). In the body, betaglukan participate and control the absorption of cholesterol production. Another source of papaya, the fruit is eaten with skins (apples and pears), carrots, peas and other vegetables, legumes in general (bean, winged bean, and long beans), dry legumes (mung bean, red bean, and Tolo beans) and red rice
5. Tuna fish.
Including sources of omega-3 fatty acids are popular, other than salmon and mackerel. Omega-3 is specifically protects the body against the increase in LDL cholesterol levels.
6. Local Red Guava.
Just like watermelon red and red tomatoes, guava lycopene-rich red local. Lycopene is involved in controlling the production of cholesterol.
7. Avocado.
Pantothenic acid is the most prominent compounds in avocados which acts to reduce blood cholesterol levels.
8. Tempe.
Food is abundant compounds of the people who are antikolesterol fitokimiawi isoflavones. Many also found in tofu and soy milk.
9. Peanuts
Peanut skin, which is peanuts in shell is baked in the oven. This abundance of healthy fat snacks as well as rich in vitamin E, which can 'lock' to prevent free radical damage to LDL cholesterol, thus formation of plaques in blood vessel walls can be avoided and prevent heart attacks.
10. Mango.
Vitamin C is widely available in mango. Other sources: starfruit, various types of citrus (grapefruit, tangerines, etc.), kedondong, papaya, rambutan, strawberry, and kiwi. Vitamin C prevents oxidized LDL cholesterol, thus avoiding the formation of plaque in blood vessel walls.

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