Sunday, June 20, 2010

Benefits of Yoga For Sex

Benefits of yoga in addition to making you relaxed and calm, can also help you during sexual activity. According to Ellen Barrett, author of Sexy Yoga, yoga forming a strong and flexible body, making you easy to do a lot more variation in the movement or position of lovemaking. Still have not believed? Here are five other reasons why your 'obliged' to yoga.

1.Launched Blood Flow

Likewise, if you do sports in general, yoga can also blood flow. In certain yoga positions, such as eagle position, the movement directly train your pelvic floor muscles and blood flow in the pelvis. "The more often you train these muscles, your space will get wider," says Becky Jeffers, Director of the Berman Center for female sexual health and menopause Management in Chicago. According to Becky, exercising the pelvic floor muscles will help you make a stronger contraction and relaxation that eventually lead you to experience a longer orgasm.

2.Growing Confidence

When you perform yoga movements, you train your mind and focus your concentration. This makes you more focused on what you do. "When you accept yourself, you'll know what it takes to be able to enjoy sexual activity with a partner," said Becky again. You can communicate these feelings to your partner when you two are doing the activity.

3.Reduces Pain

For some women who are active, especially in sports like running, hip and thigh muscles tense can sometimes inhibit the activity of sex. Yoga helps to relax muscles. "The pelvic floor muscles are tense can affect how your pelvis is contracted during sexual activity," said Becky. One part of the tense muscles can affect the movement of other muscles so that the orgasm had not been maximized and the game of love you can not enjoy its full potential.

So, relax, and let it all flow, and the orgasm will come

4.Gives Sensation "More Life"

Triangle motion in sitting cross-legged in a yoga position stimulate your chakras. According to Eastern philosophy, the sex life is governed by several chakras. Chakra is the energy center which surrounds your body. "When your chakras healthy and working well, your sex life will also be healthy and satisfying," said Becky. The three most influential disc on your sexual activity is the root chakra (at the perineal area, the area between the vagina and anus bone), the sacral chakra (the middle lower abdomen), and the heart chakra (the center of the chest). Yoga movements keep the blood flowing smoothly into these sensitive areas and open the prana (life spirit) to you. It will make you more open and more to explore in sexual activity and you become a happier person.

Source: http://BelajarYoga.Usahaku.Info

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