God love those who hate the sneezes and yawns.
Sneezing and yawning are common that we experience every day. But have we ever realize that Islam is the second set this in detail? and also, we know that God loves people who hate people who sneeze and yawn? . Well, in this article I kutibkan interesting article about a sneeze and a yawn from the viewpoint of Islam. How to overcome it .. and the reason why God loves those who hate people who sneeze and yawn?
Rasulullsh explain how someone who heard someone who sneezes and praises Allah to return the compliment.
Messenger of Allah said:
If one of you sneezes, then Say Praise be to Allaah, and let people hear it answered by Yarhamukallahu, and if the answer so, then greet with the greeting Yahdikumullahu wa Yushlihubaalakum (Narrated by Bukhari, 6224).
Menbuat yawning is a symptom that the person's brain and body need oxygen and nutrients, and therefore less in the respiratory organs of oxygen supply to the brain and body. And this happened when we were drowsiness or dizziness, lethargy, and people who are facing death. And yawning is air inhaled activity in deeply through your mouth, not mouth the usual way draw a deep breath! Because the mouth organ is not prepared to filter the air like a nose. So, if your mouth was open when it evaporates, then it is also different types of microbes and dust, or lice along with the entry of air into the body. Therefore, the noble Prophet came clue that we oppose "yawn" is strong as our ability, or even to shut his mouth when he yawned with his right hand or even with the back of his left hand.
Sneezing is the opposite of that evaporates out of air with loud, strong beat followed by two holes: the nose and mouth. It will be drained from the body along with a sneeze is a number of things such as dust, haba '(something very small, in the air, which is only noticeable when there is sunlight), or lice, or microbes that sometimes get into the respiratory organs. Therefore, by nature, a sneeze coming from the All-Rahman (the Merciful), because to him there are great benefits for the body. And coming from syaithan yawning because he brings danger to the body. And for every man shall give praise to God the Most Holy and All-High when she sneezes, and to ask for refuge in Allah from the accursed devil when he was yawning (See Al-Haqa'iq Thabiyah Al-Islam Al-FII: p. 155)
excerpted from: alsofwah.or.id - 13 Ramadhan 1424/071103
hopefully useful
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1 komentar:
I never thought that simple sneezing and coughing has religion impacts.
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