Benefits Petai
Energy Sources
Compared to apples, petai have four times as much protein, carbohydrate, more than twice as much, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. Petai is a good source of energy, ie 142 kcal per 100 g of seeds. Petai contain three natural sugars, sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. The combination is capable of providing instant power boost, but long enough and big enough effect.
The content of phosphorus in the petai is also quite good, ie 115 mg per 100 g of seeds. Phosphorus is the second most after the mineral calcium. Approximately one percent of our body weight consists of phosphorus. DNA and RNA in our bodies are composed of phosphorus in the form of phosphate, so that helps maintain cell membrane permeability of cells. Most of the phosphorus absorbed by the body in the form of inorganic, especially at the top of the duodenum to 70 percent.
Petai also contains vitamin C which is quite high, namely 46 mg per 100 g of seeds. Vitamin C is a very important role in the amino acid proline hydroxylation process of fixation and lysine, a clan hidroksiprolin hidroksilisin. His role is in the process of wound healing and immune system fight infection and stress. Average body's need for vitamin C is 75 mg per day in women and 90 mg per day. in adult men.
Vitamin A on petai is also quite good, ie 200 IU per 100 g. Vitamin A plays always keep the cornea healthy. Normal eye is usually issued mucus, ie viscous liquid fat released mucosal epithelial cells, thus helping prevent infection. However, when vitamin A deficiency, epithelial cells will issue a keratin, a protein that is insoluble in water and mucus.
Nerve Relax & Eliminate Depression
Do you often feel bad was the mood? That's the sign that you are malnourished. Mood is controlled by the working system of the brain. The ability of the brain is influenced by input of nutrients needed. Various nutrients must be supplied with a balanced composition of foods and beverages that we consume daily. One of the nutrients that contribute to improve the mood is tryptophan (an essential amino acid).
Free radicals are easily found in many food products, especially on products that are fried or baked. Hydrogen peroxide; superoxidee anion, and hydroxyl, are examples of free radicals. This molecule is very unstable, very reactive, and tissue damage. Free radicals would be helpless when faced with antioxidants.
Lower the Risk of Stroke Deaths
Petai also has other incredible benefits. If you have PMS (premenstrual syndrome), ie before the coming of menstruation syndrome, a person does not need anything to drink tablets, quite overcome by eating petai. Vitamin B6 contained petai can regulate blood sugar levels, so that will evoke the mood with the iron content is high (1.2 mg / 100 g), petai can stimulate the production of red blood cells and help in case of anemia.
Gastrointestinal GUARD
Dietary fiber high Fibers make petal is either for the digestive tract. Petal used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its texture is soft and smooth. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach. Petai have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if your breasts feel hot due to overeating, try eating petal to reduce the pain.
Petai is also very good for maintaining body temperature. Many other cultures see petai as the fruit of "cold" that can reduce body temperature and emotions that await the birth of his son's mother. . Petai will help calm the stomach and the honey will help improve blood sugar levels had dropped. While the milk will soothe and re-fix the level of fluid in the body.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Benefits Petai

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