Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bebefit Of Pineaple

Bebefit Of Pineaple

Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) Is a type of tropical plant originating from Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.

These plants included in the Family Bromeliaceae.  herbaceous (chronic) with 30 or more leaves are long, pointed, arranged in the form roset surrounds a thick stem.

In Indonesia, the pineapples are planted in gardens, yards, and other places that get enough sun at an altitude of 1-1300 m above sea level.

It is the fruits that are always available throughout the year, 50-150 cm tall, there are buds on the creeping stem.

Buni compound fruit fruit, round the long, fleshy, green, yellow color when ripe. Pineapple fruit tastes good, acid to sweet. Small seeds, is often not so. Eat the fruit than in directly, can also be preserved by boiling and were given sugar, made jam, or syrup is made.

Pineapple fruit can also be used to provide sweet and sour flavors, as well as pengempuk meat. The leaves can be made of fibrous yarn or tall. This plant can be propagated by crown, bud stems, leaves or axillary bud.

Pineapple fruit contains vitamins (A and C), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose (sugar cane), and the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain efficacious anti-inflammatory, helps soften the food in the stomach, disrupting the growth of cancer sets, inhibits platelet aggregation and has fibrinolytic activity.

Fiber content may facilitate defecation in patients with constipation (constipation). Calcium oxalate and leaves contain pectic substances.

The nature and properties of a cold nature ripe pineapple, nutritious reduce the release of excessive stomach acid, helps to digest food in the stomach, anti-inflammatory, peluruh urine (diuretic), clean up of dead skin tissue (skin surgical debridement), disrupt the growth of cancer sets, inhibits thrombocyte clumping (aggregation platelets), and has fibrinolytic activity.

Young fruit taste sour, nutritious boost digestive enzymes, anthelmintic, diuretic, menstrual peluruh (emenagog), abortivum, peluruh sputum (mukolitik), and laxatives. Leaf efficacious antipyretic, anthelmintic, laxative, antiinflammatory, and normalize the menstrual cycle.

Here's an example usage of this fruit for treatment:


Peel a young pineapple, then wash thoroughly. Next, rinse with water to cook, and then shredded. Squeeze parutannya fixation and filter results, and Drinks in children with worms in small batches.

Sprains, bruises caused by shock

Peel a ripe fruit, cut into pieces, then blended. Drinking water is collected at the same time.


Peel 2 ripe pineapple fruit, then wash thoroughly. Cut into pieces, then blended or grated. Next, wring it out using a piece of clean cloth. Drinking juice is collected, a day three times, each time a third part.

Inflammation in the skin, dandruff

Take half a ripe fruit. Peel the skin, and scarring. Results parutannya used to rub the scaly and peeling skin, either on the scalp or other parts of the body. Do it once a day, the evening before bed. The next morning just washed. Do it every day.

Lose weight

Peel a pineapple that is not too ripe, then wash thoroughly. Cut into pieces, then blended or grated. Next, wring it out using a piece of clean cloth and water to drink as well as direct juice. Perform 2 times daily


Peel 3 ripe fruit that has not, then wash thoroughly. Next, juice or grated, then squeezed. Juice to drink water after a meal, two times a day, each quite half a glass.
source : anneahira

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