3 Main Reconnaissance Smokers Cancer
A cigarette alone contained four thousand kinds of chemicals are toxic or harmful to the body. Substances that trigger lung cancer, brain and liver.
Who does not know cigarettes. Historically, the cigarette has been smoked by a native American continent namely the Mayas, Aztecs, and the Indians since 1000 years before Christ. Then Columbus introduced tobacco to England and the tobacco trade began in the 1500s, especially the tobacco of Virginia and still exist till this second.
Tobacco industry began to dim since 1964, because the American Association of Surgeons issued a statement that cigarettes cause lung cancer. Cigarette advertising on television began showing forbidden since 1965 in England and 1970 in America. Health warnings on cigarette packages started to appear since 1970, and further reinforced with the warning through pictures.
Despite its charms, in fact as many as four million people died from tobacco and is expected to come in 2020, the victim died of smoke reaches 10 million people. Unfortunately 70 percent of the victims are in developing countries. At least it was revealed in a seminar titled "Smoking and Lung Cancer" on the second floor Multipurpose Room, Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jalan Let Jen S Parman, Slipi, West Jakarta, some time ago.
Internationally there are 1.26 billion smokers in developing countries and approximately 800 million smokers. While Indonesia was ranked fifth with the highest number of smokers after China, USA, Japan, and Russia. "In one cigarette there are four thousand kinds of chemicals, including 400 types of toxic or poisonous substances and 40 types of carcinogens are toxic substances that cause cancer," said Staff Medical Functional Dharmais Cancer Hospital Dr Eddy Soeratman.
Lung cancer, according to Dr. Eddy, is a disease that can not be detected early. This then makes the lung cancer patients, newly come to the hospital is always with advanced cancer or four. "Patients with lung cancer just going to the doctor when the vomiting of blood or breathlessness and pain when breathing," said Eddy.
Pain or vomiting of blood that experienced by patients with lung cancer caused by respiratory vessels in the lung cancer driven by a lump or tumor in the lung. "That is what then makes the patient had difficulty breathing. If the late follow-up, the lungs of patients will be flooded by the liquid carried by cancer cells and that could result in death," he said.
When it was severe, lung cancer became the main cause of death, and 85-95 percent related to smoking. Groups at high risk of lung cancer are men and women aged 40 years and over, smokers and people who are in environments contaminated by pollutants or industrial waste.
If the cancer cells had invaded the lungs, Dr. Eddy said, the cancer cells will be easily spread to three main parts of the body, namely the brain and liver. "Cancer cells will be carried by the blood and lymph nodes throughout the body, the most frequent subject is the brain and liver," added the doctor who comes directly to the school for counseling antirokok.
Besides the three main body parts prone to cancer after lung cancer, other body parts are also vulnerable, according to Dr. Eddy, the kidneys and bones. "Cancer causes bones brittle bones can even cause paralysis due to spinal cord suppress cancer or broken bones," said Dr. Eddy.
For patients who suffer from lung cancer is detected, the hospital will first perform four types of diagnosis. First, through the perceived patient complaints, physical examination, chest X-ray, CT Scan and patalogi thoracic anatomy. "The faster the cancer is known, the easier it prevented the spread of cancer cells," he said again.
Morbidity due to lung cancer, was also felt by Willy. Middle-aged man was admitted lung cancer and has now been declared free by the doctor.
Source: Okezone
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