Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cause of varicose veins in the penis sac Infertility

Varicose veins are not the monopoly of the calf only. In the bag balls can appear varicose veins and this can be dangerous. Because it can lead to sterility.

"So watch out suddenly in the male sex organs appear dilation of blood vessels," said surgeon dr Soetomo dr-TKV Supreme Prasmono Spb MARS when talking to, Friday (05/16/2008).

He explains, varicose veins in the penis or varikosel sac that can interfere with fertility. Varikosel itself is a dilation of blood vessels associated with testicular vein, warehouses as well as sperm factories.

Usually, varikosel did not show any symptoms. It comes to pain and discomfort which settled in the testis, which is not the same size between the left testis and right testis, and a long period of infertility.

Physically, even when touched, would feel any enlargement of the veins that looks like a collection of worms or spaghetti under the skin. "To know this only through radiology tests," he explained.

Court explained, dilation of blood vessels that occurs there is damage to the valve system of blood vessels, which should bring blood from the testes to the lower abdomen, to then proceed to the circulatory system, "he added.

As a result of damage to the valve system, he explained, the blood accumulate and dilate blood vessels, which of course is not flowing normally. Abnormal blood flow through the testis is what ultimately reduce testicular function and causes the temperature of the testes increased aka not normal anymore.

In fact, during this time that blood flow in testislah duty to regulate the temperature for optimal sperm. That is why in cold conditions, the testes shrink (constrict) and during hot or warm, the testes became vice versa.

"So if there are couples who complained about not having children until a few years and claimed to normal, please check yourself if there are other disorders," he asserted.

1 komentar:

Thomas said...

Some other causes are Thrombophlebitis – inflammation of the veins, Pregnancy, Increasing age, Menopause, Genetic weaknesses in the vein walls or in their valves,etc..
Some common symptoms are fullness, heaviness (often worse at night and after exercise), aching, and sometimes pain in the legs, visible, enlarged spider like veins,etc
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