Sunday, June 20, 2010

Treating Snake Bites

if we're into the woods, we'd better bring P3K box just in case if we were injured, one of the most dangerous wounds caused by snake bites, if we already venomous snake bitten, immediately do step of handling the following:

2.Amankan rescuer and victim position
Especially from other hazards such as snake bite "again", a steep location, etc.. If self-bitten, take the safe position, away from the snake.
3.Imobilisasi patients and Make the dressing over the wound elastisdi bite to stop and slow the heart rate could lead to
4.Tenangkan victim, do not do a lot of activities / strenuous movements and accelerate the heart rate
5.Kenali snake bite (VITAL and IMPORTANT STEP!)
If you can identify the snake, adjust the rescue actions in accordance with his character could effect on humans.

Remember the difference in low and venomous venomous high! .... And the main ... ..
- If the bite wound, there are two obvious points, meaning high venomous
- If the bite wound to form a U with a number of injuries means no poisonous Nayak
- If you can not recognize the type of snake, assume that it is highly venomous snakes and

Next, try to memorize the traits - traits that snake and if necessary, kill the snake to be brought to the medical section.

6.Lakukan first aid measures
Handling is not venomous snake bites.
Will only lead to tearing or abrasion wounds and itching.
- Remove the elastic bandage
- Wash the wound with soap and water or cleaning the wound (Revanol)
- Give an antiseptic.
- If necessary, cover the wound with gauze pads or let it remain open to dry
Remember! snakes do not need to be killed ... ... ... ...

Handling venomous snakebites medium
Will cause swelling in the area around the wound, discoloration, and if conditions do not fit the body, it will feel hot fever - a cold about 2 sd 7 days.
- Remove bandage
- Wash the wound with wound cleanser that anyone (revanol)
- Give antiseptic
- If necessary, cover the wound with gauze pads or let it remain open to dry
- Keep the victim to rest awhile
- Give food or drink high-calorie and protein
- Give vitamin supplements
Remember! snakes do not need to be killed ... ... ... ...

If bitten giant snake species, snakes pyhton
Cause bleeding and wound torn open.
- Place the cut above the position of the heart to prevent bleeding, is better in lying position
- Stop the Bleeding! by performing an open or bleeding handling procedures can also be torniquet technique.
- Relax and calm the victim
- Strive for evacuation to hospital with due regard to bleeding that is not open anymore.
- Give food or drink high-calorie and protein
- Give vitamin supplements

- The snake is not poisonous but would still be dangerous if the victim lost a lot of blood.
- When you remove the bite from the victim, do not force by pulling the head of the snake, but the mouth must be opened! Notice also the winding serpent.
- No need to kill a snake of this type unless ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

When high-poisonous snake bites
The effect is different according to type of poison contained in snake venom.
Stock bites in general:
o Swelling of the wound, followed by color changes
o pain in all joints of the body
o The mouth feels dry
o Dizziness, eyes berkunang - fireflies
o Fever, chills
o Securities continued to throw up, stomach and liver (heart) ache, sore waist, resulting from kidney efforts to clean the blood.

Handling if bitten by the securities mentioned above:
- Position the wounded part lower than heart position
- Tie on the wound until wrinkled. Every 10 minutes, one minute Loosen
- Create a new wound deagn into approximately 1 cm with a knife, cutter, a razor blade (sterilized or not, depending on the situation). Make cuts at the start from the top, through a wound caused by canine. REMEMBER! horizontal slices of a new wound but not vertically.

- Remove the blood as much as possible while massaging towards a new wound. victims will feel so sick, so it needs to be done with the heart - the heart but to continue. When massaging, the bond can be dikendorkan. Effort expenditure can be helped with a special instrument "snake bite", syringes (without needles), the young stems of banana trees, the technique uses strings, etc ....

not advisable to do the process of spending and the poison by sucking blood through the mouth. Because it is very risky to the rescue because the poison can contaminate the mouth, teeth, gums and even swallowed up the stomach and intestines.

- This process is repeated until the blackish-red blood and foaming out of all and replaced by fresh red blood.

- Evacuation of casualties. Bring to a specialist for treatment of snake venom spending further or they can be taken to a nearby hospital to get the appropriate antivenom injection. Try to get the appropriate monovalent antivenom to snake bite characters (haemotoxin or neurotoxin)

- Inform the doctor if the victim elergi against certain drugs, identification.

- Care is essential. Always consult in order to quickly dry the wound.

Not all effects of venomous bites high as above. If that was attacked just nerves, it does not happen pembangkakan, fever, dizziness, vomiting, etc.. Handling of Bungarus fasciatus snake bites, weling snakes, sea snakes, snakes Pudak chrysanthemums requires special techniques because the poison is different specifications.

- Do not give alcoholic beverages
- Victim still trying to realize
- Provide all kinds of nutritious foods and beverages
- Do not move too much, adequate rest
- If necessary, immediate evacuation to hospital

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