Benefits of soy beans for the body:
1. as a milk substitute for babies who experienced allergic to milk cans or when the toddler is experiencing pain such as: typhoid, ulcers, exhaust - defecation or diarrhea and other
2. prevent osteoporosis
3. prevent the occurrence of colon cancer (colon)
4. could inhibit the growth speed of cells - cancer cells and tumors
5. prevent breast cancer
6. lowering cholesterol
7. can help lower high blood pressure
8. lowering blood sugar
Useful content of soybeans:
1. High protein
2. The content of unsaturated fatty acids good for your body
3. Vitamin A
4. Vitamin B 1 and B 2
5. Vitamin C
6. Niacin
7. Ferrum
8. Calcium
9. Isoflafon
10. Saponin
11. Trypsin inhibitors
12. Methionine
13. Phosphorus
14. Magnesium
15. Carbohydrate
Tips on choosing a good soybean:
• do not choose soybeans that has begun to blackish in color due to begin to rot (this is not the kind of black soy beans)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Benefits of soy beans

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