Benefit of Cempedak

Cempedak look like Jack Fruit. but it is different with Jack Fruit Cempedak is the fruit of the plant family Moraceae. Fruit shape, flavor and fragrance, such as jackfruit, despite the strong smell often piercing fruit like durian.
This plant originated from South East Asia, and spread widely from the Tenasserim region of Burma, the Malay Peninsula including Thailand, and some of the Archipelago Islands: Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Maluku, up to Papua. Also many are found in western Java.
Known widely as Cempedak or campedak (eng.: chempedak), this fruit also has some local names such as Kuhl (wild forms, Malaysia), Baroh (Kep. Linga and Johor), jackfruit beurit (Sunda), nongko Cino (Java) and others. multimanfaat fruit. Rich fruit nutrients, especially vitamin A. The skin and seeds can be eaten, the bark as an antitumor and antimalarial.
Compared with jackfruit, Cempedak fruit prices are more expensive. Enjoyment of this fruit was not able to be replaced by a jackfruit. However, judging from its nutrient composition, it is no less than jackfruit.
The following comparison of nutrient composition per 100 grams:
Nutrients ripe Jackfruit Jackfruit young Cempedak
Mature Jack fruit Young Jack Fruit Cempedak
Energy (kcal) 106 51 116
Protein (g) 1,2 2,0 3,0
Fat (g) 0,3 0,4 0,4
Carbohydrates (g) 27,6 11,3 28,6
Calcium (mg) 20 45 20
Phosphorus (mg) 19 29 30
Iron (mg) 0,9 0,5 1,5
Vit A (SI) 330 25 200
Vit B1 (mg) 0,07 0,07 0
Vit C (mg) 7 9 15
Water (g) 70,0 85,4 67,0
Source: Directorate Nutrition Department of Health (1992)
Cempedak fruit among other benefits:
* Flesh of fruit is usually eaten in a fresh condition. However, some are fried, such as bananas or process them into compote with coconut milk and sugar added. The fruit is delicious when ripe.
* Skin Cempedak also often consumed by people of Banjar, South Kalimantan, known by the name mandai. Before processing, the local people to peel the outer skin so that it looked white, and then clean it. After the skin was first soaked in salt water for 2-3 days, until a soft and had fermented, and then fried. Mandai resembles fried banana fritters, even when the bite was like biting strokes in the meat, thereby creating a unique savory taste.
* The young leaves are Cempedak also widely used as vegetables. Delicious fruit seeds eaten after being processed, fried, or boiled like jackfruit seeds. In Malaysia, the roots are used as a mixture of traditional herbal medicine for women who just gave birth.
* Cempedak help heal the eye, given the amount of vitamin A was quite high, namely about 200 SI per 100 grams. Vitamin A plays a role in keeping the cornea to keep it healthy. Contains vitamin C which is higher than a jackfruit, and contain dietary fiber (dietry fiber) high enough to help maintain digestive tract health and reduce the number of cholesterol in the blood.
* Cempedak bark apparently also contains components that can help prevent tumors and malaria. And the main compound heteriflavon C that can eliminate the cause of malaria parasites to 100 percent.
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I found this very useful. thanks for sharing. =]
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