Monday, June 21, 2010

Benefits of Water Spinach (Kangkung)

Containing Vitamins

Swamp cabbage part of the most important thing is the young stems and
bud as raw vegetables. According to Dr. Setiawan, water spinach
has a sweet taste, fresh, cool. The nature of this plant into
intestine and stomach meridians. Pharmacological effects of this plant as
antitoxin (antitoksik), antiinflammatory, peluruh urine (diuretic),
stop the bleeding (hemostatic), sedatives (sleeping pills). Water spinach
is also soothing and calming.

Plant named regional kangkueng (Sumatra), commander back (East Nusa
Southeast), kangko (Sulawesi), utangko (Maluku) was tasty and
has a relatively high nutrient content. In addition to vitamins A, B1, and C,
uga contain protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene,
hentriakontan, sitosterol.

Herminia de Guzman Ladion representatives, experts from the health of the Philippines, insert
swamp in the group ¢ à â '¬ Å "healing plant ajaibà ¢ â' ¬ â" ¢. In
country, this plant is used to cure constipation and medication
for those who are on a diet. The root of watercress is also useful
to treat hemorrhoids.
>> Other Benefits Kangkung

1. Reduce menstrual
Ingredients: fresh spinach leaves 1/2kg.
Usage: Leaves washed spinach, mashed smooth. Then, pour water half
glass, the next filter and pour a tablespoon of honey. Drink 1
times a day at a time.

2. Nosebleed
Ingredients: a bunch of fresh spinach leaves.
Usage: Leaves washed spinach, mashed smooth. Add a little
brewed with a glass of hot water. After the cold, strain and drink 2 times

3. Headache
Ingredients: a bunch of fresh spinach leaves.
Usage: Fresh leaves are boiled with 2 cups water to 1 cup.
the water from the stew.

4. Haemorrhoid
Ingredients: A handful of watercress roots.
Usage: Roots spinach washed, boiled with 3 cups of water until
the remaining half. After chilling, drinks 2 x 1 / 2 cups.

5. Insomnia
Ingredients: spinach leaves.
Usage: Often without stem water spinach stir-fry meals.

6. Toothache
Ingredients: A handful of spinach root, 1 / 2 teaspoon vinegar
Use: Boil the roots of water spinach with 1 cup water.
Use the decoction water
1 times a day at a time

7. Urine launched
Ingredients: A handful of watercress roots.
Usage: Roots boiled water spinach with remaining 2 cups water to a
Drinking water decoction once a twice a day.

8. Dandruff
Ingredients: a bunch of spinach leaves
Use: Soak overnight until the water spinach leaf color
Then, wash with water immersion. Do every day.

9. Constipation, nausea for pregnant women
Ingredients: a bunch of spinach leaves.
Use: Eat vegetables water spinach stir.

10. Gumboil
Ingredients: 200 gr of roots of water spinach.
Usage: Roots spinach washed, then boiled with 200 cc
and 200 cc of vinegar. After a warm, boiled water is used for
Do it repeatedly.

11. Callous
Ingredients: Gum swamp.
Usage: Part of thickened latex oiled swamp.
Do every day.

12. Itchy skin due to eczema
Ingredients: fresh spinach leaves to taste.
Use: Leaf water spinach washed, then boiled with water to taste
5 minutes. After a warm, use to wash the affected part.
Do every day.

13. Centipede bite
Ingredients: spinach leaves.
Use: Leaf water spinach washed well, add salt to taste.
Milled into powder, provide information on where the sick, and then bandaged

14. Sprue. Wash the spinach leaves to taste, lumatkan, and add a glass of water plus a little salt. Squeeze and strain, then please use the juice to rinse water.

15. Dizzy side. Mash a handful of spinach leaves until smooth. Add enough water plus a little salt, then filtered. Add honey. Drinking only once a day at a time.

16. Chickenpox. Wash half a handheld root water spinach, boiled in two cups of water up to three quarters. Once cool, strain it, then drink two times a day as much as three-fourths cup.

17. Yaws (yaws). Rinse the roots kangung handheld three-quarters, and then boiled with three glasses of water, let it boil until the only three-quarters of parts. Once cool, strain and drink three times a day as much as three-fourths cup.

18. Ulcers. 20 Wash spinach leaves, then finely minced. Give salt water, kompreskan on ulcers, then dressing. Do twice a day.

19. Launched the urine. Prepare the root of a handful of watercress, wash, and boiled in two glasses of water to stay half. Once cool, strain and drink once daily.

20. Nerve weakness (neurasthenia). Prepare the spinach leaf cell-third, quarter of a stem cell water spinach, swamp cabbage roots and a quarter. After being washed, mashed until smooth. Add a half cup of boiled water and one tablespoon of honey. Then squeeze and strain. Drink three times daily.

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