Do Not Torture Kidney
Like to eat jengkol(indonesia food) can make kidney problems. Slimming drug consumption, pain medication, steroids, or antibiotics without physician supervision also gives the same effect. In fact, the use of hair dye or bleach can also affect your kidney.
There are a number of wrong behavior or habits which impact on kidney health. Many things dilakoni, unwittingly, has made kidney languish. How does all it can damage the kidneys?
Because jengkol
Do not take for granted the food that is often used as fresh vegetable, stew, or rendang it. According to Prof. Rully MA Roesli, Sp.PD-KGH, there are people who have to wash the blood meal because jengkol.
"Jengkol contain crystals or jengkolic acid. So that this Djenkolic acid crystals and then obstruct the urinary tract," said a consultant from a specialist clinic hypertensive kidney disease and nerve Shielding in Husada, Bandung.
Urethra closed makes no garbage or toxins are removed. As a result of urinary tract infections can occur.
If untreated, this condition will spread to the kidney organs. Therefore, as Prof. spoken. Rully, there are only a few times taking jengkol, even kidney failure.
"'s Still acute kidney failure. The problem in this acute renal failure required dialysis, although not all the time. If kidney failure akutnya been handled, does not need dialysis anymore," says professor of medicine from the University of Padjadjaran, Bandung.
Slimming drug alert
Actions consume slimming drug for weight loss also need to beware. According to Prof. Dr. Walujo Soerjodibroto, Ph.D., the consumption of slimming drugs that do not really contribute to incidence of renal failure. The reason, many drugs or wrong ways of slimming which makes patients experienced a reduction in the amount of fluid in the body.
In addition, patients often place their own raise the dose, with the assumption that the higher the dose, the faster will be slim. Weight loss may be decreased as a result of dehydration due to diarrhea or excessive urination, but kidney function was disturbed.
"Slimming drugs that are diuretics contributed to kidney damage. Diuretics make bodily fluids drained continue. If to dehydration, it can hurt the kidneys," says Prof. Rully.
Amphetamine drug caution
There are also drugs such as amphetamine that can be a bad influence on the kidneys. This type of drug makes people difficult to sleep. As a result, the combustion energy continues. Amphetamine that can constrict blood vessels.
"The blood that moves to the kidneys will be reduced. In the end ginjai shortages of food intake," explained Prof. Rully.
Therefore, this type of drug use is strictly prohibited.
Easy drinking drug
Not just for slimming drugs or amphetamine alone, which may damage kidney function. Use of pain medication, antibiotics, or steroids continuously in excess amount in a few months can cause kidney pain.
Hobbies herbal indiscriminate
Likewise with drugs or herbal supplements, homemade and imported, have risk of kidney damage. "We do not know the contents or what it implies," says Prof. Rully.
Should we reject the supplements and herbal medicines that are effective and cespleng because it means not purely herbal, but the chemical content of the drug dose is not controlled. If you must drink, choose drugs or herbal supplements that have received permission from the FDA and BPOM.
Beware of bleach and hair dye
Use of skin bleaching and hair dye were also can have negative impacts on the kidneys. At least Prof. Rully young people see the patients suffered acute kidney failure cases caused by hobby dyed her hair. He had to do dialysis.
Diarrhea is not continuing
To cause diarrhea that dehydration can also led to the disruption of the kidney. Diarrhea or diarrhea and vomiting can indeed make a person become dehydrated. Would be fatal, especially if the fluids lost are not replaced soon. Therefore, when someone is experiencing diarrhea or diarrhea and vomiting, are required to drink plenty of fluids.
Avoid obesity
Research at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) showed that there was a strong relationship between obesity with the incidence of end stage renal disease or kidney failure. Obesity increases the risk of kidney failure seven times than people with normal weight.
According to the researchers, obesity should be considered as risk factors for this condition, and that kidney failure is another consequence of obesity.
"There are many people with kidney failure, but had not appreciated that kidney failure can be a consequence of obesity," said Chi yuan Hsu, MD, UCSF assistant professor s.
The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, are based on data from 320 thousand members of the Northern California Kaiser high and weighs measured during a routine examination between 1964 to 1985. Total 1471 cases of end stage renal disease occurred among study participants, for an average period of approximately 26 years continued.
They found that body mass index (BMI) higher-risk higher also experience kidney failure. Of the respondents, 58 percent had normal weight and 39 percent have a BMI 25 or more.
Gaga risk) among participants with renal overweight than 1.87 times the normal weight. The more obese, with BMI 40 or more, seven times the risk of kidney failure.
However, better and more healthy if slim than fat, right?
Source: Senior
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