Sunday, July 11, 2010

Benefits of Dates When Ramadan

Benefits of Dates When Ramadan

Eating a date at the time of breaking fast in Ramadan, not simply to maintain the tradition. It turns out palm-containing minerals needed by the body, such as iron, magnesium, and potassium. Iron is essential to prevent iron anemia or anemic.

"For Muslims, break their fast with dates as recommended by the Prophet Muhammad. Whoever has the dates when fasting, let him break the fast with dates," said Director RSU Haji Surabaya, Prof. dr dr Rochmad Romdhoni SpPD (K) SpKJ (K), Wednesday ( 09/18/2007).

Diaa added, choice of date palms as healthy appetizers in the month of fasting was not without basis. Nutrients contained in this fruit can prevent the weak and lazy when fasting.

In addition to the value of energy and vitamins are very high, palm sugar content is largely a monosaccharide sugars, so easily digested by the body. Sugars that include glucose and fructose.

"Even to increase wetness excessive stomach acid after 13-14 hours without any food or drink," he added.

"When compared with the absorption of rice in the body requires long hours, palm sugar absorption within the body fairly quickly. Namely, about 45-60 minutes. That's why palm is an excellent food for breaking fast because it can supply quick energy intake , "he explained.

The dates also have salicylic acid are usually used as raw material for aspirin. Salicylic acid is to prevent blood clotting, anti-inflammatory (inflammation), and relieve aching or pain.

In addition, the palm can control hypertension by regulating levels of prostaglandins that play a role in the process of blood pressure.

However, patients with diabetes mellitus should not eat too many dates. Monoskarida sugar content high enough to increase blood sugar levels quickly.

In the long term, consumption of foods containing salicylates, such as date palms, is expected to provide high-roughly the same function with aspirin to prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Dates also contain a nicotinic acid and hormone potuchsin. These hormones act to prevent bleeding through the effects of uterine contraction of blood vessels. Dates have other benefits, namely reducing mental tension, hysteria, and insomnia.


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