Thursday, July 15, 2010

Benefit of Duku

Benefit of Duku
Duku (Lansium domesticum Corr) is a form of tree fruit crops originating from Indonesia. Now the population is spread widely across the archipelago.

In addition there is a mention of this fruit comes from Western parts of Southeast Asia, Peninsular Thailand in the west to east Kalimantan. This species is still found growing wild / wild back in the region and is one of the main cultivation of fruits.

These plants originated from the western region of Southeast Asia, namely Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. This plant is also known by the name complexioned, langsep, kokosan. In Indonesia, which includes leading varieties include Komering (Palembang), metesih, Woro, Condet and complexioned Punggur in West Kalimantan, 20 km southwest of the city of Pontianak. Duku and tan is a seasonal crop, that means not bear fruit throughout the year.

Judging from the composition of nutrients, the fruits are not too disappointing. Every 100 grams of fruit contained 70 cal calories, 1.0 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 13 g carbohydrates, minerals 0.7 g, 18 mg calcium, phosphorus 9 mg and 0.9 mg of iron. For the content of calories, minerals and substances iron, at a higher level compared with apples or oranges.

Other useful content is a dietary fiber or fiber. One of the substances that are useful to facilitate the digestive system, preventing colon cancer and cleanse the body from cancer-causing free radicals.

The main benefits of food crops as fresh fruit lanseum or other processed foods. Raw fruit is green, sticky and very acidic flavor. Along the mature fruit, the skin will turn yellowish and flesh will taste sweeter. Another useful section is a pale brown wood hard and durable, used for house poles, furniture handles and so forth.

Fruit peels and seeds can also be used as anti-diarrhea drugs and drug cure fever. While bark that tastes sepet used to treat dysentery, whereas bark powder is used to treat venomous insect bites and dysentery medicine. Some people also believe that this can inhibit the parasite tree and kill the cancer cells.

Duku also can be made tasty and delicious variety of offerings, such as to the contents of the pudding, mix cocktails Fruits jam or as a raw material. For jam, prepare 1500 grams of meat that has been blended smooth fruit, 600 gr sugar, 100 ml water, 5 g gelatin, 30 ml of lemon juice and ½ teaspoon vanilla essens.

All the ingredients are mixed together, heat until the texture thickens and the color yellow. As the heat stored in glass bottles, seal tightly, you now have a delicious jelly and ready to use anytime.

Other variations can be made is a fruit pudding. The way the fruits can be blended and then mixed with the dough jelly or left intact for the content of the pudding. Its texture is chewy with flavors of sweet, fresh and slightly acid to make the pudding feels more special and beautiful tampilanya.

In Indonesia lanseum mainly planted in the area of Java (Surakarta), Sumatra (Komering, South Sumatra) and Jakarta (Condet).

1 komentar:

Beben Koben said...

duh...berat yah blog aku sob...hihihihi
yaa namanya jg gayalah sob...huehuehuehhuehe

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