Monday, June 21, 2010

Choosing Smart Way Home Foods

Image How to reduce the intake of calories in it was hard-easy. The principle of smart eating is choosing foods lower calorie content. For the vegetables for a very low calorie content (unless it is cooked using coconut milk or lots of oil) can be eaten in large quantities. Similarly, fresh fruits (except durian, avocado and banana or fruit that is too sweet) should be eaten rather a lot. Calories in addition to a minimum, a high fiber content in vegetables and fruit makes you full faster and more durable. Some clever way in helping you in limiting calories is the way to share and choose the dishes, how to eat vegetables, choose healthy snacks, and drink lots of self control.

How to reduce the intake of calories in it was hard-easy. The principle of smart eating is choosing foods lower calorie content. For the vegetables for a very low calorie content (unless it is cooked using coconut milk or lots of oil) can be eaten in large quantities. Similarly, fresh fruits (except durian, avocado and banana or fruit that is too sweet) should be eaten rather a lot. In addition to entering into a minimum calorie, high fiber content in vegetables and fruits make you full faster and more durable.


1. For Plates Become Part 4
Determining the number of calories of a food is sometimes confusing. For convenience, for your plate into four sections. Fill one quarter with the rice section, quarter section with side dishes, and fourth sections with vegetables. With this subdivision is expected to obtain all the nutrients your body needs but remain low in calories. Obviously avoid foods cooked with lots of oil or bersantan.

2. Advance Dining Vegetables

3. Use Small Plates
In order not to eat too much, consider using a slightly smaller plate than normal size. Automatically you will get the food in smaller portions.

4. Hold Up
Sometimes, feeling that food has not been satisfied, people tend to take the second portion. Hold on! The study found that the brain takes 20 minutes to capture the full signal.

5. Choose Healthy Snacks
For some people, snacking between meals is a difficult habit avoided. Into this habit could be maintained, but choose healthy snacks such as eating fresh fruit or gelatin (cooked without sugar) and given a low calorie syrup.

6. Drink
Sometimes people can not distinguish hunger with thirst. Before deciding to snack, drink a glass of water first. When you still feel hungry, your body probably do need food. Choose low-calorie snacks.

YOUR DIET 'sabotaged' WHEN ...

1. Skipping Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The reason is energy-intensive activities in the morning to the afternoon. "Breakfast with a glass of milk and two pieces of wholemeal bread thinly spread with butter is enough for the capital move," said dr. Laila. Skipping breakfast will make you go crazy at lunch, or you'll tend to eat small meals high in fat and calories in large quantities. Consequently, any calories in a lot more.

2. Forgetting Rice
When dieting, sometimes you cross out all the rice from your menu. Be careful, this could turn into something less favorable. "Many people who do not eat rice at all, but eating fried bananas. Intakes of fat from fried banana calorie value is bigger than the rice. Thus, it reduces the minimum rice, but increase the value of a calorie of fat is greater," said dr. Laila.

3. Targeting The Not Realistic
Do not think diet is the magic. By reducing meal, presto ... weight you can lose so much. With high expectations, you also set targets that are unrealistic (eg, down 2 pounds a week). When the target was not reached, you soon lose motivation. As a result, you stop the diet. Remember that the ideal reduction is 0.5 kg per week.

4. Reduce Calories Too Many
Hoping to get slimmer, you also reduce the calories in large numbers. Can drastically reduce calories causes the body to burn muscle for energy. "Because the value of calories in less energy use to save any body. So, when next you are eating more, store it as body fat directly," said dr. Laila.


1. OIahraga
Exercise can help burn fat faster. Effective exercise to burn fat is to exercise conducted during the first hour.

2. Intensifying activity
Help body to burn calories with more activities. For example, use stairs rather than elevators. At home, come play with the kids. Keep your body moving.

3. Many of Drinking Water
According to research, every cup you drink will trigger a reaction that is called thermogenesis, which is the current state of the body to increase metabolism and burn fat in the body. Drinking eight glasses of water a day will help you burn 150 calories per day.

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