Monday, August 8, 2011

Overcome Bad Breath

When fasting, the production of saliva in the mouth and the digestive tract is reduced so that it becomes more dry. That places halitosis or bad breath.

Bad breath can also result from systemic diseases such as liver, stomach, respiratory tract and acute kidney. While the causes of dental diseases and oral fresh breath in between cavities, gingivitis, gingivitis because plaque, and periodontitis.

Here are simple tips to prevent bad breath during fasting, as quoted from holisticcare-dentalclinic.

1. Maintaining healthy teeth and mouth by brushing your teeth and tongue properly. Clean between teeth with dental floss. If using a liquid rinse, do not use liquids with alcohol content above 25 percent due to trigger the risk of cancer of the oral cavity.

2. Check into your dentist at least six months. If you have time to do dental spa twice a month to maintain dental health.

3. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol because the effect of exacerbating the status of oral hygiene lead to gingivitis and periodontitis. Alcohol reduces the production of saliva, which will aggravate bad breath.

4. Increase consumption of fruits repellent bad breath like apples, yam and carrots. Green tea contains catechins active ingredients that can remove plaque, lower blood sugar levels, and kill bacteria that cause bad breath. Drink 2-5 cups of green tea a day.

5. Cheese is low in carbohydrates, high in calcium and contain phosphates, can strengthen tooth enamel, increased saliva production and reduce the growth of tartar.

6. Consume at least one quart of water or eight glasses a day for breaking up the meal. This is to maintain water balance in the body.

7. Asup probiotic foods like yogurt that maintaining digestion and inhibit bad breath.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Controlling Blood Glucose

Specify a Target

As stated by the ADA (American Diabetes Association), people with diabetes really need to strive for an A1c lower than 7 percent. Even so, should this number end up being the objective? In the event an individual's A1c has reached eight percent, or even a tad higher, shooting for 7 percent is actually a good target to establish. On the other hand, in case your A1c is presently at seven percent, why don't you try for a smaller amount?

You should never make unattainable goals. If you've got a truly high A1c, you shouldn't focus on seven percent immediately. Talk to your medical professional to establish a practical objective then reach it. When you have, you should then specify one more target and then reach that.

Measure Bloodstream Sugar Levels Frequently

This is really obvious, correct? Nevertheless in the frenzied schedule of daily life it could end up getting overlooked. An individual is not able to sustain normal blood glucose levels when they're uncertain as to what it is.

Monitor your blood glucose level each two or three hours for a total of six to eight times a day. You may even give some thought to purchasing a "Continuous Glucose Monitor" that continuously supplies you with your current blood glucose range. It may also inform you if your amounts get excessively high or possibly fall too low.

Keep Sugar Pills With You

Low bloodstream sugar levels, or hypoglycemia, is indeed a probability when shooting for normal blood glucose, and it may well be life-threatening. Be familiar with the signals, and as soon as you start to feel them beginning take 3 to 4 sugar pills and you will feel a lot better soon. Keep them on you always.

Think About an Insulin Pump

When coupled with a continuous glucose monitor, an insulin pump may make managing your glucose levels a lot more effective. A consistent flow of insulin as well as real-time information coming from a continuous glucose monitor tells you where you are constantly.

People who have a continuous glucose monitor or insulin pump may still experience very poor glucose management. Even so, simply by faithfully keeping track of your condition you make a commitment for treatment that's going to be worth it over the long haul.

Reduce Carbohydrates

This happens to be open for debate however it appears sensible, doesn't it?

Currently the typical strategy for people suffering from diabetes happens to be to count the actual carbs within the food products they consume, and afterwards insulin injections are made to balance out the sugar getting into their blood.

However, if you intend to maintain close to normal glucose levels, doesn't it seem sensible not to just count all the carbs but even cut back on them? The fewer carbohydrates you take in the lesser amount of insulin you will require, so that your blood glucose level won't be going on a wild roller coaster ride.

Take Responsibility

You honestly can't pin the blame on someone else for your illness or even the choices you make. Taking care of your diabetes all depends upon the day-to-day decisions you are making. At times these decisions will not seem to be important, nonetheless in time they might influence the growth of your illness.

Do you really make an effort to keep healthy by having the right diet program, monitoring your blood glucose and also talking to your physician? Or perhaps you disregard your well-being and conclude that you could always take care of your condition another time? The honest answer is that you do not have plenty of time, you will have to deal with your diabetes without delay.

Article Source:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Antorexia Nervosa Disease

Death Risk Higher Anorexia

Anorexia is a mental illness is more deadly than bulimia, schizophrenia, and depression.

People with anorexia nervosa (AN) are at risk of dying sooner than bulimia nervosa (BN). Research published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, July issue, prove it.

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder is a mental illness sufferers feel afraid of getting fat and restrain the appetite is not natural, to lose the hunger at all. While Bulimia is a disease of overeating, then spat it out.

Jon Arcelus, LMS, M.Sc., MRCPsych., Ph.D., from Leicester General Hospital, UK, examined the relationship of disease with a mortality risk of anorexia. He examined 36 cases of various scientific articles published between January 1966 and September 2010.

He found that people with anorexia death rate of 5.1%, which 1.3% were suicides. Meanwhile, people with bulimia have a lower risk of cardiovascular death, only 1.7%.

Although it is possible the death of people with anorexia caused by other factors, but researchers also looked at mortality rates of anorexia sufferers, the disease is higher than other mental disorders such as schizophrenia and depression.

source :

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Natural Toothpaste

Imagining you bring all the tools needed every day, it would be tedious and complicated. Moreover, if you are sued frequently mobile. No probably not, must bring all items in a large bag? Relax. You do not have to take along all devices brush and toothpaste everywhere. Because in fact there are 4 foods that can help to brush their teeth in an emergency.


Apples are the fruit was first grown in Central Asia. Scientific name, Malus domestica. In general, apples are grown in the highlands or cool areas. Nutritional this apple variety, and the amount of vitamin C and the water was quite a lot.

Since time immemorial, this apple is believed to be a natural toothpaste. Try it feel, when eating an apple, there is a sense of abrasive on the teeth. The content of vitamin C and water, can help treat gum and toothpaste maximize the apple as an emergency.


Latin name is Daucus carota. Carrots are orange tuber vegetable that resembles a wood grain texture. It was sweet, rich in vitamin A, and iron is good for teeth.

Just like apples, carrots can also be used as emergency toothpaste enough to chew a few times. Pain will be felt rough and clean teeth, and you are ready for action.


Vegetables are also medicinal plants are commonly used as a spice in cooking. In European countries, celery actually served raw as vegetables. During the Classical Greek and Roman, celery is touted as a vegetable 'abdominal conditioning', and not just soothing the stomach only, celery can also clean your teeth.

Popcorn with no taste

Well, this one certainly was very you know it? Popcorn with no taste (salt) can help provide a sense of abrasive toothpaste and act as an emergency. Unfortunately, it is also not recommended popcorn consumed in large quantities, especially for those who are running the program on a diet. Just imagine if your weight go up because of too much eating popcorn, oh no! So specifically for popcorn, limit it pengonsumsiannya yes.
source : metro TV

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

6 Food More Important for Clear Skin

1. Orange
All types of citrus fruit, including grapefruit, is a source of vitamin C, which have many benefits for the skin. Vitamin C increases the production of collagen and elastin in our bodies, which serves to reduce wrinkles and prevent aging skin. He is also believed to slow the production of melanin, the pigment that makes skin appear darker. Try to consume fresh orange once a day. In addition to oranges, tomatoes are also fruits rich in vitamin C.

2. Red and green vegetables
Spinach, carrots, broccoli, and his friends contain more beta-carotene functions as an antioxidant for the skin. In addition to preventing damage to cells, beta-carotene also be converted by the body into vitamin A which is useful to combat acne, produces new skin cells and make skin color look brighter and younger. It would be better if we get vitamin A directly from the food and not from vitamin supplements, because of excess vitamin A can actually interfere with our health.

3. Fish
This water creature is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are the main recipe for a sunny bright skin. In addition, eating sardines, tuna, or salmon are rich in protein can help protect skin from sun exposure and pollution. The protein contained in it helps the reproductive cells and make skin look radiant.

4. Avocado
Avocados are a source of vitamin E. He is useful to prevent aging and skin clean of all stains such as acne scars, dark spots, and other problems. Eating avocados regularly will also prevent the skin becomes loose with age.

5. Wheat
Can be obtained in the form of cereals and bread, wheat contains biotin which helps the body process the fat cells. Biotin deficiency can cause dry skin and look dull.

6. Olive oil
Most healthy food for the skin? Salad of fruits and vegetables sprinkled with olive oil as a flavoring. These oils contain essential fatty acids to make skin look bright, luminous, and healthy.